DC East of the River Small Business Economic Relief Microgrant Program for Wards 7 and 8


The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is launching an additional grant opportunity specifically for small businesses in Ward 7 and 8.

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will make available approximately $750,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding allocated from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to eligible for-profit small businesses.

Businesses must demonstrate a need for short-term working capital to retain jobs held by low- and moderate-income employees that may be lost due to business closures related to COVID-19. The program will provide support up to $10,000 for short term working capital to fund wages to avoid job loss caused by business closures or reduction in business due to social distancing, rent, utilities, interim operating expenses.


Applications will accepted through at 10 am on Friday, May 29, 2020.

Step One: Determine If Are You Eligible


  • Defined as a small business as defined by the SBA
  • For-profit businesses located in Wards 7 and 8 in Washington DC
  • Businesses located in a low-moderate area census tract, serves a low/moderate clientele and provides jobs to low-moderate individuals.
  • Businesses in need of short-term working capital to avoid job loss caused by business closures related to social distancing.
  • Demonstrated need for working capital to retain jobs held by low- and moderate-income persons
  • Businesses that received a microgrant are eligible and do not need to apply separately. However, their DMPED microgrant award amount would be subtracted from their DHCD award amount.

Prohibitive Businesses

  • Liquor, tobacco stores, cannabis dispensaries, adult entertainment, banks, financial services and e-commerce or seasonal businesses

Common Eligibility/Threshold Requirements

  • Economic injury due to COVID-19


  • Up to an overall maximum of $10,000

Eligible Uses

  • Short term working capital to fund wages to avoid job loss caused by business closures or reduction in business due to social distancing, rent, utilities, interim operating expenses.

Step Two: Prepare Your Documents

Before you start your application, please prepare the following documents. If you have all of your documents, the application can take up to 30-40 minutes; if you do not, it can take over an hour. If your business has been in operation less than two years, please provide documentation for the years your business has been in operation. If you do not provide the necessary documentation, it will delay the processing of your application.

  • Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) (Look for this in a previously filed tax return or by following these tips from the IRS. Names and addresses in this application should match your EIN registration.)
  • Documentation of the business owner or owners’ state residency (such as a driver’s license or bill)
  • Payroll or roster of employees and their states of residence (dated for the week prior to March 11, 2020)
  • District of Columbia Basic Business License ( To obtain a copy go to https://business.dc.gov/quick/9750.)
  • Clean Hands Certificate (To obtain a copy go to https://ocfocleanhands.dc.gov/cch/.)
  • Evidence of Liability Insurance (Contact your insurance company for copy of policy.)
  • Financial Documents
    • 2017 and 2018 federal tax return (Only applicable if your business was in operation in 2017. If business was not in operation in 2017, 2018 would be required.)
    • 2019 Statement of Profit and Loss (You can download this from your accounting software.)
    • Schedule of Liabilities (Feel free to use your format, such as downloading from your accounting software, or use this free template if needed.)
    • Supporting Documentation of Economic Injury (such as staff reduction, revenue loss due to social distancing requirements, etc.)


Please use the Application Guide and FAQ Documents to walk you through every step of the application process.

Have Questions or Need Assistance?

Need Help? Visit the Application Guide and Troubleshooting Tips – English

For questions about the application or required documentation including technical assistance with the application system, please email [email protected].

For all other general business relief inquiries, please contact the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development through the COVID-19 Business Inquiry Form

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