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Are You Using The Right Social Media Outlet(s) To Promote Your Brand?


By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III

Many entrepreneurs use social media to promote their brand as well as their business. Because social media can reach so many people, it’s imperative that every entrepreneur know which social media avenue works for them.

Without doing your research on which social media outlet to use, you will end up wasting time and getting nothing in return. Let me put it another way – identify where your target audience is and cater to them on that social media outlet.

Recently, I had to make the difficult decision of deactivating my Facebook account. Why? Because Facebook didn’t bring in new clients. Now, your experience might be different from mine and that’s okay, however, when I analyzed the numbers and the amount of time I invested in this particular social media outlet, I discovered that my time as well as effort should be spent doing something more productive.

There is nothing easy with being an entrepreneur. I believe that is something we can all agree upon. It’s also important that we use social media to promote and advance our business. Learning which social media outlet(s) work for you should be at the top of your list. Wasting time using outlets that offer no return is a waste of time.

Use social media wisely and remember this – if it’s not helping then it’s a hindrance.

Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III is a Speaker, Success Coach, and Author of The ABC’s of Making Networking Work For You. If you want to learn how to attract the right people to your business, contact Dr. Grey at www.sinclairgrey.org or [email protected]

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